Found 2 resources (displaying 2)
Job Search Resource Centers
PROPEL is a program of Mental Health Association of San Francisco (MHASF) funded by the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). We work to support, train and place individuals, both mental health consumers and family members, who are seeking to be employed or volunteer as peer personnel in the Public Mental Health System (PMHS). We also assist employers in the California PMHS in recruiting and retaining consumer and family member staff through workforce integration.
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Marin County
San Francisco County
Job Search/Placement
CYO's residential care facilities, distribution of housing subsidies and wrap-around case management provide vulnerable people with freedom to focus on restoring stability and hope in other areas of their lives.Programs: 10th & Mission Family Housing Assisted Housing & Health Derek Silva Community Edith Witt Senior Community Hazel Betsey Community Homelessness Prevention Leland House Peter Claver
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Marin County
San Francisco County-San Francisco
San Mateo County
PROPEL is a program of Mental Health Association of San Francisco (MHASF) funded by the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). We work to support, train and place individuals, both mental health consumers and family members, who are seeking to be employed or volunteer as peer personnel in the Public Mental Health System (PMHS). We also assist employers in the California PMHS in recruiting and retaining consumer and family member staff through workforce integration.
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Marin County
San Francisco County