Primarily serves the Mission District, but all eligible San Francisco residents may be able to receive some limited services.
CA - San Francisco County - San Francisco
Contact Information
2712 Mission St
San Francisco CA 94110
Drop in hours are 9:00-11:00AM.
Location Information
23rd and Mission
48 Quintara (24th and Mission)
12 Mission (24th and Mission)
14 Mission (Mission and 23rd)
49 Van Ness (Mission and 23rd)
BART - 24th Street Mission
Entrance is wheelchair accessible, location on ground floor.
Program Details
All San Francisco residents who currently receive mental health services through CBHS, receive public health insurance (Medi-Cal, Healthy SF, etc.) or are uninsured.
Portuguese, Spanish
Can drop in during drop in hours for an intake session, referrals and additional appointments can be made at that time.
Sliding scale, accepts public health insurance and people who are not insured
proof of insurance, proof of income, and state issued ID are highly recommended
3-6 months for psychiatric appointments, 4 weeks for therapy appointments